Monday, August 23, 2021
August 23, 2021
My first ever pool swimming training session of my adult life was just about as embarrassing that I figured it would be. Literally everything was new for me. But I did it, and it was kind of fun, and now I truly know my starting level (which could be lower only if I couldn't float).

I managed to swim barely 50 meters at a time but only about half of it with any notable control over the process. By far the hardest thing was breathing and learning to breathe constantly out and then in without taking in a third of the pool at the same time. Interestingly, an old swimming coach acquaintance was there coaching some swimmers at the same time and she gave me few tips on how to get started. Her face (after she just saw me almost drown during the 50m and), when I told my plans to train for a triathlon, was priceless. "You have some learning to do, mate." 😂
In the end, I didn't really manage to swim that much, nor did I do even half of the drills I had planned. I just kept trying to learn how to breathe without panicking. But it was also fun and exciting. I love water, and I got myself a 6-month pass that allows me to train every single day at local pools -- I intend to make these months count!
My tentative plan was to swim maybe three times a week, I think I should push that up to 4-5 instead. I'm more determined than ever to learn how to swim properly. This is going to be fun! :)