Wednesday, August 18, 2021
August 18, 2021
Yesterday I finally went for a run and now the back of the right knee hurts again. It must be some kind of muscle pain but it's weird as I haven't felt anything like it before the marathon.
I finally figured out what I want to target next. I'm going to start practicing for a (full-length) triathlon! (Aka the Ironman.) For me, the running part is "easy", the cycling part is not so easy as I haven't really cycled that much (and I don't even own a proper street bike), but the really challenging part will be the swimming as I can't really swim properly. I've never even swum 50 meters freestyle let alone 5 000 meters. Swimming is also something you really can't just start doing and expect to somehow automatically get, you need proper training in order to become decent at it. But this feels like a really challenging and fun target to have with plenty of smaller milestones in between and at least 1-2 years worth of continuous training.
I'm really excited about jumping into this new unknown. I've been going through loads of YouTube videos learning about the basics of freestyle swimming, triathlon-specific swimming tips, beginner swimming mistakes, how to do a flip turn, advice on bikes for beginners, and of course some epic vlog-style feelgood videos about triathlon races around the world. I also found a local triathlon training group in our small (200k) town that is potentially a great place to start learning more in a group!
This is going to be such a fun journey. And I've already started! :)